Who we Are

We are specialized in the development of mobile systems, business intelligence and cloud/Internet applications, with the primary objective of offering solutions that not only reflects the state of the art on technology, but also the competitive differentiators of our customers and partners.

With over 15 years market presence, our reputation has been distinguished by long lasting relationship with clients, strong support for our products throughout its life cycle, rapid absorption of new technologies and “outside of the box” solutions for complex business problems.

Our mission is to incorporate the latest technologies in hardware, software and telecommunications in the development of solutions while focusing on the competitive advantages of our Clients.

Our goal is to provide systems that exceed expectations, minimizing cost and maximizing results, providing to our customers the best return over investment in the market.

We focus on “custom” rather than “vertical solutions” since by modeling an entire industry as advocated by “best-in-breed” approaches we would not be able to capture the particularities and the competitive differentiators of our clients.   To guarantee ROI under that scenario, we count on the latest technological platforms, Patterns & Practices as well as on prototypes that by streamlining our development, reduces cost and time to market of our systems.

Managing Partner

Boris Krajnc Alves, Ph.D.  Executive Director

Dr. Boris Krajnc Alves has profound knowledge on Information Technology and High Tech Industries. Over 20 years experience on the Pharmaceutical, Services and Financial areas. Sound academic credentials, having PhD and MA.  Proven expertise on software development, project management and startup development. Strong academic and practical involvement on the areas of: BI, web and mobile software development, cloud computing, big data analysis, statistics, artificial intelligence and decision making.

Prior relevant experience

Fundação Getúlio Vargas – EAESP, Professor at the Department of Informatics and Quantitative Methods, Teaching classes on Management Information Systems, Mathematical Modeling, Decision Science and Statistics for both undergraduate and graduate courses.

GV Consult – EAESP, Senior Consultant. Activities included: Project Management, Development of Diagnostics and Strategic Plans for Corporate and Public Sectors.

Dendrite Brazil – IT Manager. Management of technical team in charge of implementation, client customization and operation of Dendrite’s Sales Force Automation Suite.

Arbi Assets Head of Information Systems. Responsibilities included Management of Arbi Assets Technological Infrastructure and the development of control operating systems for fixed and variable income equities.

Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo – Joint Professor.  Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Information Systems. Research Scholar from CNPq. Published many papers on International Journals and Conferences as well as advised research theses.


Ph.D. Engineering Science: University of California, Berkeley – USA.

MA Mathematics: University of California, Berkeley – USA.

MSc. Mechanical Engineering: COPPE/UFRJ (Brazil).

Mechanical Engineer: PUC – Rio (Brazil).